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James Robinson

5th Generation Organic Dairy Farmer, South Cumbria

James Robinson

The Robinson’s have farmed at Strickley in south Cumbria for almost 150 years. James & his family now have 300 acres of organic land with 130 pedigree Dairy Shorthorns and 130 followers grazing meadows, permanent pasture and herbal leys in small fields, surrounded by 7 miles of ancient hedgerows. These hedgerows are managed in a traditional 20 year rotation of hedgelaying and link a mixture of diverse habitats such as wetlands, species rich hay meadows and ancient oak woodland.

Speaking in:

Hedges, Edges and Farmland Trees

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The Soil Association is registered with the Charity commission for England and Wales, charity number 206862 and with the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator, charity number SCO39168.

The Woodland Trust is a charity registered in England and Wales (No. 294344) and in Scotland (No. SC038885).  A non-profit-making company limited by guarantee. Registered in England No. 1982873.

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